
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Miss Thomason

Kia ora Kōtuku, I hope you are all safe and happy in your bubble. I have loved seeing all of your amazing creations here on the blog.

This is where I have been sitting when I comment on all your fantastic blog posts. 

In my bubble we have been baking lots of delicious treats. It has been so much fun measuring out ingredients and following a recipe. Here are some of my favourites. 
 Hot Cross Buns
Ginger Kiss

If you have done some baking we would love to see some pictures on the blog. 

Over the weekend I became an Aunty. I was so excited and have been chatting to my sister and my Niece Maia on FaceTime. Maia doesn't talk much she mainly just sleeps, cries and eats but she is so gorgeous. I can't wait to go up to Auckland to visit her. 

I hope you are all well and I can't wait to see more pictures and stories of what you have been doing in your bubble. 


  1. Hi Miss Thomason, it is so cool to see what you have been up to in your bubble. I am so impressed with your baking skills! How long did the pavlova take you? Such exciting news about your niece Maia, I can't wait to see a photo!

    1. Thanks Mrs Horner. The Pav didn't take too long was about 2 hours. The Hot cross buns took all day and I will probably never make them again. I will send you a picture now :)

    2. Wow the hot cross buns took you a long time Miss Thomason! They do look delicious though. Thank you!

  2. Wow! Miss Thomason, what a delicious looking bubble you’re living in. I’ve also spent a bit of time in the kitchen, and I’m enjoying using produce from our garden. These are my three favourites. Thai sweet chilli sauce, quince paste and blackboy peach jam.

    1. Hi Penny, Your bubble also sounds yum. So cool can get your ingredients from the garden.

  3. Hi Miss Thomason, congratulations on becoming an Aunty, I just love being an Aunty and you will make a the best one! Your bubble certainly has been very creative in the kitchen. I love baking and we have been doing lots in our bubble too. It's so nice to have time to do that.

  4. Hi Miss Thomason,

    Wow, what awesome baking. All your baking looks so yummy to eat. Did you begin baking from when you were little?
    That Pavlova though! YUM, YUM, YUM.

    Thank you for sharing all the cool, yummy things you have been baking. I reckon Kōtuku children can give baking a try and post some of their pictures up too.

    All the best.
    From Miss Muriel.
