
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sajjad's Maths


  1. Hi Sajjad! Wow look at how many numbers you have written! Do you think you could do the same with some letters? Thank you so much for sharing your work. I hope you and your family are keeping safe in your bubble.
    Miss Bell

  2. Hi Sajjad, Miss Muriel here. You are so good at writing your numbers, I especially like your pencil grip (a big high 5), thank you for sharing how you do your work at home.

  3. Hello Sajjad, it’s great to see you, I have been missing our learning group at school. Have you been having fun at home in your bubble? I’m just about to go on a bug hunt with my son, I wonder what we will find in our garden. 🕷🐜🐛

  4. Hi Sajjad, it is so lovely to see you. We have really missed you! You are trying so hard to write your numbers. Well done on getting 3 around the right way, that one is a tricky one to learn!
