
Friday, August 27, 2021

Toby's Learning


Attached are Toby's list of favourite lunches and a step by step recipe on how to make his favourite sandwich.


  1. Hi Toby,

    Yum that sounds like a great lunch! Is that lunch for you and your family or just you?
    Ah yes the classic peanut butter and jam sandwich. It's hard to beat. I like how you have the ingredients and the steps to make it. Just like a good recipe book! My favoruite step is number 4. "Eat your sandwich"

    Well done Toby!

  2. Toby you have such a big list of favourite foods - lots to choose from.
    We will have to wait until Level 2 for a lot of those foods.
    I like peanut butter too - crunchie not smooth - what type do you have?
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Hey Toby, Thanks for sharing your great list of food for a picnic. You have done a splendid job of writing up your recipe. My husband is American and eats peanut butter and jam sandwiches every day! I would choose Sushi off your list. Have a great day.
