
Friday, August 27, 2021

Marno's Learning

Marno has been working hard during lockdown. Check out all the activities he's done


  1. Marno - wow you have been so busy. Great to see you practicing your numbers and letters and writing stories. Your toy creating in amazing too. How high was it?
    Was that a dog I saw made of lego?
    Keep up the good work.
    Ka pai.

  2. Hey Marno. That is a lot of work you have shared with us - thank you. It is great to see you are being creative, just like you are at school. I like your monster Mr Googles. I read that he likes to play chess. Do you play chess as well?

  3. Hi Marno thanks so much for sharing all you have been doing! Gosh you have been busy working at home. Great effort with it all and how cool to see your prototec certificate. What has been your favourite thing to do so far? Please say hi to your family too.
